Investing In Your Home’s Cabinetry

Last week, YNN-Albany interviewed our very own chief cabinet officer, Evan Levey, to discuss why homeowners should invest in their cabinetry.  As we all know, the kitchen and the bathroom are the two most popular rooms in the home.  These are also rooms that can easily persuade buyers to make an offer.  In the interview, Evan provided some excellent suggestions for homeowners to consider when renovating and installing cabinets.

One of the first ideas Evan suggested was a growing trend to hide kitchen appliances beneath panels. These panels would match the installed kitchen cabinets and create a modern feel within the space. Evan also discussed that when beginning a kitchen renovation, you should plan to spend 10% of the value of your home or the value you want your home to be. By finding the actual or anticipated value of your home, designers can better work within your budget to achieve a successful renovation.  Lastly, Evan focused on why Wood-Mode is a great cabinet brand that does not effect the environment by clear cutting forests. For those of you who may have missed the news segment, checkout the link below:

YNN-Albany Interview Segment

Evan, you did a spectacular job and look great on camera.  Also, a special thank you to YNN-Albany’s Ryan Peterson for visiting our main showroom in Troy, NY.  If you have any questions about renovating your home, feel free to visit our showroom or give us a call.


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